Chris' Challenge
Because Kat yelled at me, lol, Im posting my comment here now...
I would like to make a small challenge to all my Shrinking Sister-Friends... My challenge is simple but will require a commitment from each and every one of us... So, here is my challengeI challenge everyone to take a brief walk every day. It can be in the morning, night, daytime, I dont care. It can be with your kids, spouse or dogs. Lets get ourselves out of our chair and away from our computers for an hour a day! Eh? What do ya'll say? I am on a damn roll this morning.. LOL.I told my dog that we are gonna start walking every evening and she ran and got her leash, ffs it was only 9:30 am and she was already ready, she is going to be on pins & needles all day awaiting our evening walk.
yelled? ME? I DON'T YELL!!!! I simply speak emphatically, that's totally different than yelling.
Thanks for posting it, Silly Woman!
I put my kids on leashes and walked them. Ohhh, that's not what I was suppose to do.....damn. LOL!
I will walk each day. I already do because I have a dog. He drags me around the pond several times before I am even awake in the morning and then we walk it again several times, plus an evening walk on the streets. I think that has been helping me stay on track with my diet.
wtg JCk, I have done my walking for 3 days now and the dogs,as well as my kitten that follows us, love it. We are starting off slow with just a quick jaunt around the block this week and next week we will bump it up to two blocks, and so on and son on. I am so HYPED to have such a great support group to get through this!
You know what I think will work for me. I walk in my office..out to smoke (i need to work on that) the printer, the bathroom etc. I would like to set a goal for each day and wear a pedometer. Then when I get home I need to finish whatever I didn't get done that day. That may work. Hmm. This is a huge challenge. I am a sales person and we're selling I get free book downloads. Once it gets below the 100+ heat index I want to start walking everynight before dinner. Is it better to walk before dinner? After dinner I tend to be in downtime mode.
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