Sunday, July 24, 2005

Dr. Phil's Advice

I never buy magazines but yesterday the August edition of Good Housekeeping caught my eye, so I bought it. The cover title story was "Dr. Phil's simple plan to make you thin" on the cover page there are pictures of two different women, one who lost 110 lbs and the other 63lbs. Under their pictures was the caption "LOSE BIG!" I thought to myself, Hey, I wanna "LOSE BIG!" so I read their "secrets" and found out that we should be doing several things according to Dr. Phil. I will list them here or you can go check out his website.

  1. Have a Specific Goal - be specific as to how many pounds you want to lose and visualize yourself after you've reached your goal and use that image to help you stay strong and committed.
  2. Get a Plan - To lose weight and keep it off, your strategy must include diet AND exercise. Get rid of your expandable clothes, stay away from fast food, and stock healthy food at home.
  3. Identify Small, Measurable Steps - Implement steps that will fit your lifestyle, not somebody else's. Be sure to move toward a positive goal, not just away from being fat. (nice choice of words huh?)
  4. Create Meaningful Monitoring - If you have to, report your progress to someone, you'll be more likely to stick with your plan.
  5. Create a Healthy, Realistic Timeline - Where do you want to be in a year? Fit your goals to your calendar, and don't expect to see results overnight. If you change your lifestyle, you'll change your weight.

I have never been a big fan of Dr. Phil but I think these are some pretty great ideas.


Blogger Kat said....

Those are great tips! I respect Dr. Phil and the advice he's common sense.

I have my diet journal somewhere around here...there's a formula in it that I just love....need to find it, so I can share it with all y'all.

7/24/2005 1:06 PM  

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