Wednesday, July 27, 2005

the big butt breakfast

How completely pathetic is this - I'm sitting here reading about how hard Burfica is working to get her weight under control and I'm snarfing down chocolate covered donuts and drinking cherry limeade... Yeah, I need to get my act together and quick. Thanks for helping to inspire me ladies! Hopefully one of these days I'll be able to put the donuts down and back away slowly. =)


Blogger Kat said....

You'll do it when you're ready to. It has to be on YOUR time. I'm sitting here eating a Hershey Almond bar...not the bfast of champions...well, maybe champion sumo wrestlers! LOL I'm "gearing up" to go back on will be in MY time, done MY way.

I fervently believe that if I don't diet according to MY body, MY tastes on MY time...according to MY rules...I will fail. Why set myself up for failure by dieting the way someone else thinks I should? It's MY body! Over the years I've learned what works and what doesn't work for me....lots of folks want to tell me what I should or shouldn't be doing....last I heard, they weren't given control over what goes in my mouth. I'm open to learning new things....just don't come off as an expert on MY body, cuz you ain't! W

When we own our weight and own our diets....failure is a lot harder to come by.

7/27/2005 7:42 AM  
Blogger MP said....

I've changed to the bananas for breakfast but find myself starving by 11am. Today I ate a low cal breakfast bar after my naner..felt pretty good about that. pbj for lunch and crackers. Still feeling ok..lots of water. It's all about the baby steps! I know I'm having pecan pie w/ cool whip when I get home tonight :0)

7/27/2005 11:24 AM  
Blogger Burfica said....

Hey sometimes I slip too. If you fail one day, it doesn't mean your a failure. That's one of the hard things I had to learn. And we all need to splurge once in a while. So...if you choose to do it, don't feel guilty, own it, and move on.

Big huggggggggsssssss

7/27/2005 11:45 AM  

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