Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Courage or Stupidity

I'm not sure if I'm full of courage now or stupidity. I've been reading the posts, and I'm rather embarrassed. But I am also inspired, and on my way myself. I got the invitation and wasn't wanting to post, because of my humiliation. Let me fill you all in.
I've been a big girl all my life. I'm 5'4" and I've always weighed around 190 to 200, (god what I wouldn't give to be there again) But when I was first married, I went in to emergency surgery. I had a 30lb, (yup 30pounds) 10inch in diameter tumor in my pelvic cavity and it flipped over and ruptured my left ovary. I bleed internally for 3 days before they figured out I needed emergency surgery. Doing that surgery caused all of my lower abdominal muscles to collapse. I also had to go on some major hormone therapy. Then about 4 years after that I went in for another abdominal surgery (gall bladder) and the idiot doctor sliced my artery open. so I have this gigantic scar where he cut me open in a hurry to save my life. Resulting in more abdominal muscles to collapse. With both of these surgeries, I had major complications during and after, so it took a year each time for proper healing. And with hormone therapy, I just kept gaining.

This past fall it got to a point that I couldn't exercise unless I lost weight, but no matter what I did, I couldn't lose weight unless I exercised. I have tons of health issues. I have foot and leg problems. Planter fasceitis, and lower extremity lymphadema. I also have high blood pressure, and I couldn't breath very easy. I made the decision to come out to Texas at my sisters place for the summer. Cuz 1..she has the money to help me get started. 2..they have a gym in her house. 3...they have intense water aerobics here. So...I came out here for the summer.

In January, things got worse for my health..It was agony to just walk from one end of my house to the other, and I couldn't get out of the couch without help. Ladies, here is the embarrassing part. I got weighed on a massive electronic scale the first of Feb. I weighed 431lbs. (please don't spead this around, I haven't even talked about it on my own blog.) I was devastated when I saw that number. I cut soda out completely, and I started watching the carb and sugar intake on the labels on foods. I started buying more sugar free (peanut butter, jelly, syrup, candies) and fat free (milk, cheese, tortillas, any crackers, etc...) I had a procedure done on my toe in May and took the plunge and weighed in again. 385 OMG just that little change took me down 40 lbs!!!!!!!!! Now I was motivated. I came out to Texas, and the 4th day here, I feel and got hurt. Like ride off in an ambulance kind of hurt. I dislocated my elbow, sprained my wrist, thumb, left ankle, and right knee. I almost spun into depression. But I didn't let it stop me. I decided I was here to get a jump start on my weight loss, and by GOD I was gonna do it. I have been pushing myself so very hard every day. I mean pushing to the point that I've been in tears, and hurting so bad every single day. But ladies, I don't have a scale I can weigh on here, but I'm doing some sort of improvement. My new bathing suit (that fit in June) got so baggy my sister had to sew it up (I even got my fat ass in a walmart 3X bathing suit) and my underwear are really baggy now, my pants also. My family says my face and neck look alot thinner also. I can notice just how you reach certain area's to scratch or when your bathing is easier. I also am able to stand up and walk for a good 5 to 10 minutes now (it was tops 1 minute before) I'm making baby steps, but I'm doing it. I now have the means to go home and continue with the eating change, and keep working, walking, and exercising.

I'm very much hoping a blog like this will help us all, but I'm also very scared. This is the first time I've told anyone other than close family about my weight and struggles. So...there it is, I layed it all out there. Now I will wait in the corner to see if I'm accepted. hehehehe

And Kat, thanks for removing that "foot" out of my ass, you don't know how much that helped.


Blogger Kimmee & Krissteen said....

Kudos to you Burfica for trusting us enough to share this story. We love you honey and we KNOW you can continue on your path. I know its easy for us to say oh, just eat a little better but actually doing it is the hard part. I would just like to say that I applaud you for your efforts honey and I hope we can all be a source of inspiration for you and each other. We are here to be your shoulder, your support and most of all your friends! Dont be ashamed or feel stupid honey. ((*Burfica*)) keep up the awesome work honey and I cant wait to be the first one to congratulate you when you reach your goal because i KNOW you CAN do it!

7/26/2005 3:08 PM  
Blogger Kat said....

Burfy...I adore you. I adored you before knowing your story...I adore you even more now. Your honesty & vulnerability are inspiring.

What you weigh today is only for today....what you weighed at your heaviest is simply your starting weight. Your weight is not who you are....I am not my shirt, I'm just wearing my shirt. You are wearing your weight, that's all.

You are already a success! YAY YOU!!

7/26/2005 3:15 PM  
Blogger Burfica said....

Chris and Kat, thank you so much. I told myself I wasn't gonna cry. Well the love made me cry. hehehhee But in a good way. I adore you all too!!!! I look forward to losing with all of you. hehehehehehee

7/26/2005 3:28 PM  
Blogger Jean said....

I am so proud of you. I take this as major courage! I am so proud of the steps that you are taking to love yourself. I think, in essence, that is what diet and exercise are-self love. I will be right here cheering you on and when you have a tough day, let me know. I will cheer you on then too. You have to do the same for me though too.

7/26/2005 7:30 PM  
Blogger Sandi said....

Metaphorically we can go walking together. I hate walking, but I have found that when I do it with a camera I don't mind. I tip my hat to you for having the courage to step up and share with us.
Just remember we are here to help each other not judge. If you slip once, twice, or thrice, no worries because I will too.
In the end though it is all about feeling better.

7/26/2005 8:52 PM  
Blogger MP said....

You know sometimes I feel sorry for myself, "ooo I can't lose weight, waa waa"...then I see the challenges some of you ladies have w/ surgeries and medical issues. You are very motivating..if you can do it dodging major opticals I can get off my fat ass and do something. Good luck Burfica, you keep trucking girlfriend!

7/27/2005 5:39 AM  
Blogger sandegaye said....

I love this community of 'can do!' women!
Thank you for being exactly who you are..

7/27/2005 5:46 AM  
Blogger Burfica said....

thank you everyone!!!! This is the first time I have told anyone but family my entire situation, and you have all made me feel so welcome and loved. I will keep fighting the good fight, and I will be here to encourage any of you!!!! We all made a choice to change our lives this way, it will be hard, but I believe we all can do it!!!

Thank you again, for all your kindness and love. I don't feel like that aweful outcast now.

7/27/2005 11:39 AM  

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