Monday, July 25, 2005

MY Scale finally went down today!!!

I am sorry, but I had to share the fact that my scale went down. I am soooo happy. I am one of those folks that can stick to a diet and exercise for weeks before my scale moves-only to see it move a pound or so. It has been weeks since it really moved, but today I was under 150!!!! I am so happy, because I had gotten to the point where I didn't think that it was ever going to move again. I started body for life in May and in the third week hurt my back and just about cut my toe had to take some time of and started again July 4. That means that I am three weeks into the challenge again and for some reason the three week point is always where you start to see progress. I will admit now that I have never made it through a whole 12 week challenge, but this time I am determined to do it! I am hoping that being here with you guys and being accountable to you and in my blog will help me stick with it. I actually took the pictures of the before me this time and I think that will help me stick. I think it is really time to do another set of pics so maybe I can stay motivated. If that before pic I took wasn't enough to motivate me, nothing will.


Blogger Kimmee & Krissteen said....

Yay-Yay! Wtg, keep up the good work!

7/25/2005 4:15 PM  
Blogger Melody said....

Good for you. Keep up the good work.

7/25/2005 4:41 PM  
Blogger MP said....


7/26/2005 5:43 AM  

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