Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Pill-Poppin' Momma

Does any of the shrinking Yay-yays take supplement diet pills? I ask because on my blog I regularly pimp out Phenolox , and it's been good to me, even though it's a tad expensive. It's one of those pills that kills your appetite just the right amount, and it kick-starts your RESTING metabolism, so even if you can't make it to the gym that day it's still working. Actually, I think I've taken them all at some point, but I like the Phenolox best. And, not to sound like a TOTAL company whore or anything, but somehow they read my blog and sent me a coupon for a free bottle for pimping them out! Who knew?
Anyway, I was thinking, while sipping my GIGANTIC JAR O' WATER here, that maybe I should do a comparison post for all the yay-yays interested here. From a personal point of view. And I was wondering if the supplements out there have worked for anyone else?
Yall have a great day, and THINK THINNER with me!


Blogger Sandi said....

I have done Metabolife, and many others. Most of them have a lot of Mou Wong, and that stuff can kill you if you are not careful. I have a lot of heart problems on both sides of my faimly so, I think for once I will do this the old fashioned way, of eating better and exercise.
The last one I took, was okay for about a year, and then not only did it stop working, but it give me major pain around the liver area. Naturally I stopped taking it.

7/26/2005 10:24 AM  
Blogger Tricorum Satisdee said....

Totally understandable. I myself have to be worried about my whole bipolar thing, which is not nearly so wonky as a liver thing or a heart problem thing, because those stimulants will kick me into high gear and I'll be manic for a week and then I'll crash HARD and it will suck. Thanks for the input!

7/26/2005 10:38 AM  
Blogger MP said....

I save my $$ and just buy food. I tried dexatrim, metabolife but then ate like regular. Doesn't work for me. I'd rather be fat and have a plasma tv. BUT..now I'm trying...I had my banana for breafast!

7/26/2005 12:45 PM  
Blogger Jean said....

I occasionally use something that has gugglesterone in it. It is supposed to help increase your thyroid and has been used in other countries for years. It doesn't make my heart go crazy and I have to worry about the bipolar thing to. Always interested to hear what others think about this type thing.

7/26/2005 7:33 PM  

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