Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Trying again..

Seems like a couple of times a month I try to get on the health-kick wagon. I shouldn't be so hard on myself.. at least I keep climbing back on. I am now 40# up on what I was when I got married 4 yrs ago. I've tried to blame a lot of this stuff on menopause. But I had no trouble losing 50# five yrs ago, so I need to let go of that excuse. Back then I did it w/ a modified Atkins diet. Attempts since then to try the same diet just isn't having the same effect. I think the ole metabolim just says 'whoa..' once in awhile.
So yesterday I made the conscious choice to stop drinking wine during the week. My doc thinks it's great that I drink wine in the evning because she's says it's worked wonders for my cholesterol. (I have way more good than bad) And that while I might die of cirrhosis, it wouldn't be from a heart attack..;o)
But I've found that a couple of glasses of wine take away my inhibitions when it comes to eating. It's hard to say 'no, thanks' when you're just so warm & fuzzy. My husband is of the Euro-mindset that it's uncivilized to eat before 8 or 9.. so big meals then off to bed. Ugh!
And I found myself feeling bloaty & boggy. Time to detox.
Last night I drank iced tea all evening.. oh my, was I wired when bedtime came. Took a melatonin to bring me down. But I did wake up energized & not at all sluggish. So I took a 3 mi walk in 45 minutes..wahoo.
I'm not eating the Atkins stuff, but smaller portions of a regular diet. Today's lunch was House Special Chinese Soup. And I'll switch from tea to water this evening. I might add some flavored carbonated water to jazz it up.
So here's to perching on the wagon again. And if I fall off.. I know my sisters will provide a soft place to land.


Blogger Kimmee & Krissteen said....

Hey gf, dont kick yerself in the Butt over it. You will do it when the time is right. As for hormones, menopause, etc.. It has a HUGE effect on the body and its ability to lose weight. They have diet aides/supplements that are geared towards menopausal women. I had a complete hysto last august and have gained about 25-30 lbs since my surgery. Check with your doctor or pharmacist and see what they might recommend. I am a complete insomniac and have to take sleep aides every night.. I sooooo hate it but otherwise I am wide awake all night so I dont drink anything with caffiene after noon. As I have stated before this is all about YOU and what YOU want and you and only you can give yourself the strength to achieve your goals... :)
And yes, should you fall, we will have a soft pillow awaiting your arrival. But I have faith in you and I know you can do this!

8/03/2005 10:17 AM  
Blogger MP said....

baby steps.. That eating late really isn't good for you but I know many people that do that. I guess if you eat GOOD food late it's not as bad as junk food late. I guess if it gets to bad eat early and just sit and keep him company when he eats late. Good deal on the walking, the Jeremy/hospital thing side lined me from myself. Keep your chin up!

8/03/2005 11:11 AM  
Blogger sandegaye said....

Thank you ladies.. I've been pretty good today. Had a loaded omelette for dinner. No bread or acutrements needed.
I'll be brave enough to tred upon the scales tomorrow. ;o)

8/03/2005 5:19 PM  
Blogger Hippie girl said....

Hey momma just hang in there you know what to do It's hard when we have so many things going on in our lives.
As for the soft landing I've got a big lap and shoulder and everthing else to land on but not for long because I'm getting smaller by the

8/04/2005 12:54 PM  

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