Sunday, July 31, 2005

Been gone and good

I haven't posted in a few days. I've been busy with Gigantor here in Texas, and we have done some stuff. We are packing my sisters Durango as I write this so we can head out of here at 4 in the morning.

I've been pretty good. Still eating right. Also we got some donuts Thursday morning, yes I did eat two. But kiddo ate a couple and hubby ate some. Then 5 donuts have been sitting on a plate next to this computer since then. I notice there are two left, but ladies. I haven't eaten one single one of them, and I'm not tempted to either. I do splurge and eat a donut or piece of cake once in a while, but the sugar is actually starting to make me feel sick. I have been off of it for two months, so if I have a sugar snack, or sugar soda, I don't feel real good.

I have found the delights of Russell Stovers sugar free candies though. I don't eat much of them, but OMG they help a chocolate craving you get once a month. hehehehe

That is my downfall. Sweets---chocolate is the big one. My hubbies is salty snacks. He can down a bag of chips in one sitting. So...he has really cut himself back too. I am starting to get the baked chips, but they are fricken 4 bucks or more a bag. So we don't do that much.

Anyhow, for the trip home, we did get some jerky, baked chips and cheeto's, and low fat cheese it crackers. And we have water. I'm gonna keep on track ladies. I am so determined.

Could you also keep us in your thoughts and prayers, as we do this 18 hours of travel tomorrow?? I appreciate it. Catch up with you all after I'm home and unpacked.

Better Choices

Today I made a good choice....of course, this good choice took place after eating a piece of chocolate cake for bad choice does not invalidate my good choice! I was in a snacking mood earlier....I have lots of "bad" snacks to choose from. I'm not working my plan, yet. I'm swiftly getting to the point where I will be....just not there, yet.

So, what was my good choice? I snacked on sunflower seeds! The kind in the takes more energy to eat and you don't eat as many as you would the shelled kind.

It's a small step in the right direction. But, as my Mama says, "To eat an elephant you take one bite at a time." That's her version of, "To walk a mile starts with a single step."

Friday, July 29, 2005

making deals w/ myself

I find myself negotiating. I did not go to golf last night, that would have been my exercise, in stead I decided to walk to 7-11 instead of drive. Made a little deal w/ myself. I did finally weigh myself, I hadn't in quite a while. Came in about 201. I guess thats good, at least I haven't gone up. My breakfast was spoiled today, I was given a cinnimon raisen biscuit from Hardees..I have a hard time turning away free food. I can never eat just a sandwich for lunch, I'm been eating sugar free pudding cups, they are really yummy. I guess now that I ate the biscuit maybe I'll walk around the outside of the building today. It's a pretty big building and it's only going to get in the 80's today. Maybe I'll do that. NO..I will do that :0) feel better already!


Last week was such a good one, ate right, exercised regularly and lost a few pounds....this week has not been so good. Missed a couple of workouts, which means to me that I should eat more...STUPID I know, should be just the opposite, but my mind does not work in a rational manner when it comes to food. I haven't gained this week but the number didn't go down either. I pledge to do better next week...really I DO!!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Kick in the butt needed!

Okay guys, I need a kick in the rear. Yesterday I helped a friend with moving and didn't get my exercise thing done. Then after getting home I realized that another friend had left the remains of a box of doughnuts here. I felt somewhat safe because they weren't chocolate ones, but it was the first time I have had any junk food in the house for a long time. Before the night was over, I had eaten all four of those doughnuts. It was not my free day either! Now today, I don't want to exercise. I don't know why, but it seems I always hit a point in my diet roller coaster where I almost self sabotage. I need someone to give me a kick in the rear and get me going go as mean as you have to.


You ladies have truly inspired me. I got up to get something to eat about an hour ago. I got a small bowl of what we refer to as 'bean soup'. Stew meat, pork & beans, brown sugar, ketchup, and onions. ummmm good stuff. Anyway, I also grabbed five cookies, for dessert.
I sat down ate the soup, slowly. Drank some water, and then slowly by breaking off a piece at a time ate two of the cookies.
Guess what? The other three I put back!!

Okay, not much I know, but it makes me feel good. hehehehehe

Hope everyone has had a great day. If you haven't already go over to the Yay Yay's page and get a shot of sunshine I left everyone.

Cutting back

Well I've been trying to cut portions and exercise more. No excersicing yesterday but I started to slice myself a piece of pecan pie..then made it smaller..then only ate half of that. I felt good about that!

Tonight I have my golf lesson..there is my exercise.

The office is buying lunch today and we're having Chinese. I couldn't turn away free fried rice and crab rangoon. At least I'm exercising tonight.

I still haven't weighed myself. I need to do that, easier to set a goal. I'm wearing an 18 right now on the bottom, I'm a bit smaller on the top. I'd like to get to a 14, ultimatley it would be nice to get out of plus sizes all together. Actually I'm in a regular size 18 plus size 16 usually. My pants are a little tight around my waist but if I go up to a 20 they would be ultra baggy on my booty. It's a very uncomfortable time...

All I have is the banana for breakfast though, I didn't bring backup snacks.
Hope you all do well steps!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Summer learning

I can't begin to thank you all enough for you love and support and acceptance when I bared all to you earlier. That is the first time I have told anyone other than close family. was nerve wracking.

Just wanted to tell you all a few things I have learned this summer. I came out here to get a jump start on the weight loss, so I could continue it at home. I have gotten better physically. I can walk and stand longer than I could for the past year. I have also cut my portions way way down. I used to eat a big breakfast then sorta munch almost all morning till lunch, then have a big lunch and a snack in the afternoon and a big dinner. Now I can feel totally full on a small bowl (with fat free milk) of cereal, or a half of a bagel with sugar free peanut butter and sugar free jelly. I don't eat until lunch. I then can get buy on one small sandwich, or a lunchable (I had one of those today, cuz it was easy) and if I need a snack I get some fat free ritz crackers with the peanut butter and sometimes jelly on them. I'm usually good till dinner. I have cut my portions back by more than half for dinner. And sometimes when I would usually get more food, I stop and wait for 15 minutes to a half hour. If I'm not "hungry" then I don't get any more. Yes and sometimes we indulge. We have a donut, or go out for taco's every once in a great while. I also drink around 75 to 90 oz of water a day. That does not include my coffee or the juice or a diet soda I may drink. That is just water alone. Sometimes I feel like I'm floating, but I know it's way way good to have my body hydrated.

I have also learned what kinds of stuff to buy, that I hadn't been buying already. And with some help from different people, I have learned some good vegetable alternatives, and fruits I can enjoy.

I'm on my way ladies. It's gonna be a LONG hard road, but I am determined to take it one step at a time. Sometimes I think about the big goal, and I feel so overwhelmed. So...I don't think that way anymore. Last I weighed I was 385, my goal is to be 350. Once there my goal will be to be 325, then 300. So on and so forth, and as I lose, I know I will feel better and be able to move more. I am so excited.

God Bless all of you ladies for stepping up and realizing what you need to do and doing it. I clap and hug and praise you all.

Happy Wednesday everyone.

Hey There yay-yays

I had a little accident and injured my back. So I can't sit very long periods of time. I'll start posting again soon. I may be down but I'm not out !!!

the big butt breakfast

How completely pathetic is this - I'm sitting here reading about how hard Burfica is working to get her weight under control and I'm snarfing down chocolate covered donuts and drinking cherry limeade... Yeah, I need to get my act together and quick. Thanks for helping to inspire me ladies! Hopefully one of these days I'll be able to put the donuts down and back away slowly. =)

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Courage or Stupidity

I'm not sure if I'm full of courage now or stupidity. I've been reading the posts, and I'm rather embarrassed. But I am also inspired, and on my way myself. I got the invitation and wasn't wanting to post, because of my humiliation. Let me fill you all in.
I've been a big girl all my life. I'm 5'4" and I've always weighed around 190 to 200, (god what I wouldn't give to be there again) But when I was first married, I went in to emergency surgery. I had a 30lb, (yup 30pounds) 10inch in diameter tumor in my pelvic cavity and it flipped over and ruptured my left ovary. I bleed internally for 3 days before they figured out I needed emergency surgery. Doing that surgery caused all of my lower abdominal muscles to collapse. I also had to go on some major hormone therapy. Then about 4 years after that I went in for another abdominal surgery (gall bladder) and the idiot doctor sliced my artery open. so I have this gigantic scar where he cut me open in a hurry to save my life. Resulting in more abdominal muscles to collapse. With both of these surgeries, I had major complications during and after, so it took a year each time for proper healing. And with hormone therapy, I just kept gaining.

This past fall it got to a point that I couldn't exercise unless I lost weight, but no matter what I did, I couldn't lose weight unless I exercised. I have tons of health issues. I have foot and leg problems. Planter fasceitis, and lower extremity lymphadema. I also have high blood pressure, and I couldn't breath very easy. I made the decision to come out to Texas at my sisters place for the summer. Cuz 1..she has the money to help me get started. 2..they have a gym in her house. 3...they have intense water aerobics here. So...I came out here for the summer.

In January, things got worse for my health..It was agony to just walk from one end of my house to the other, and I couldn't get out of the couch without help. Ladies, here is the embarrassing part. I got weighed on a massive electronic scale the first of Feb. I weighed 431lbs. (please don't spead this around, I haven't even talked about it on my own blog.) I was devastated when I saw that number. I cut soda out completely, and I started watching the carb and sugar intake on the labels on foods. I started buying more sugar free (peanut butter, jelly, syrup, candies) and fat free (milk, cheese, tortillas, any crackers, etc...) I had a procedure done on my toe in May and took the plunge and weighed in again. 385 OMG just that little change took me down 40 lbs!!!!!!!!! Now I was motivated. I came out to Texas, and the 4th day here, I feel and got hurt. Like ride off in an ambulance kind of hurt. I dislocated my elbow, sprained my wrist, thumb, left ankle, and right knee. I almost spun into depression. But I didn't let it stop me. I decided I was here to get a jump start on my weight loss, and by GOD I was gonna do it. I have been pushing myself so very hard every day. I mean pushing to the point that I've been in tears, and hurting so bad every single day. But ladies, I don't have a scale I can weigh on here, but I'm doing some sort of improvement. My new bathing suit (that fit in June) got so baggy my sister had to sew it up (I even got my fat ass in a walmart 3X bathing suit) and my underwear are really baggy now, my pants also. My family says my face and neck look alot thinner also. I can notice just how you reach certain area's to scratch or when your bathing is easier. I also am able to stand up and walk for a good 5 to 10 minutes now (it was tops 1 minute before) I'm making baby steps, but I'm doing it. I now have the means to go home and continue with the eating change, and keep working, walking, and exercising.

I'm very much hoping a blog like this will help us all, but I'm also very scared. This is the first time I've told anyone other than close family about my weight and struggles. So...there it is, I layed it all out there. Now I will wait in the corner to see if I'm accepted. hehehehe

And Kat, thanks for removing that "foot" out of my ass, you don't know how much that helped.

A note from the semi-dead

Please don't think I am ignorning ya'll by not making comments today but I think my face is getting ready to explode. Keep up all the good work ladies and I hope to be back to my happy dieting self in a couple days!

Pill-Poppin' Momma

Does any of the shrinking Yay-yays take supplement diet pills? I ask because on my blog I regularly pimp out Phenolox , and it's been good to me, even though it's a tad expensive. It's one of those pills that kills your appetite just the right amount, and it kick-starts your RESTING metabolism, so even if you can't make it to the gym that day it's still working. Actually, I think I've taken them all at some point, but I like the Phenolox best. And, not to sound like a TOTAL company whore or anything, but somehow they read my blog and sent me a coupon for a free bottle for pimping them out! Who knew?
Anyway, I was thinking, while sipping my GIGANTIC JAR O' WATER here, that maybe I should do a comparison post for all the yay-yays interested here. From a personal point of view. And I was wondering if the supplements out there have worked for anyone else?
Yall have a great day, and THINK THINNER with me!

greetings from a fellow fatty

Morning all! =) I figured since one of my big goals right now is to lose weight that this would be a great way to help me keep to that goal. I'm currently 5'6" and at my last weigh in I was 269. My goal is to lose at least 75lbs, but more would obviously be better. I've been fairly big since I hit puberty, but about two years ago had managed to get within spitting distance of 200 lbs. I had been diagnosed with a liver disease and the treatment was either pills or a complete change in diet. I opted for the diet route and cut my fat intake back to under 30gms per day. Amazing what that will do for a body. But once I got my disease under control I went back to my old ways of eating and pounds just poured back on.

I have joined a local gym - Curves - and am trying to do that at least 3 times a week. I really like the atmosphere there and the philosophy behind it is very appealing. I just need to get off my lazy ass and go like I'm supposed to. =)

Anyway, thanks for having me here. I think it's great that we're all here supporting each other like this. It may very well make the difference for us and hopefully we'll all finally be successful.

On the Wagon

I've been dieting for two weeks now and trying to decide what's right for me. I haven't actually devoted myself to dieting in a long time. I used to "pretend" to diet, which would be about 3 days of me doing what I think works, and then I'd go back to my old eating habits.

As you may have seen in my comment to Sandi, I started at 273 amd am down to 262 now. I am still a size 24-26 and at the largest I have ever been. I've been heavy since the 4th grade. I did Jenny Craig once and lost about 30 pounds, but the Slurpees from 7-11 sabotaged me. So here I am again, doing Weight Watchers for now. I'm not in the program, but friends and family have done it before with results, so I'm following their lead. So far 11 pounds down. Can't complain!

I think I would do best on a low carb, high protein diet. I was prepared to do "Lean for Life" which yields great results and is not unhealthy. But Jabe wants to lose some weight too, and it was too restricting for him. He doesn't have much to lose, so when he's done, I'll probably make the switch (unless this diet just blows me away).

I am very happy to say, for the first time I am excited about dieting and not angry or tired of it. I knew this feeling would come before any diet would work. You have to wake up one day and suddenly your whole outlook is different and you just "know" you're ready. I know it's only 2 weeks, but I can feel my attitude changing. I don't have to eat enough for 4 people, and better yet, even my stomach is feeling it! I can't eat as much as I used to without feeling incredibly full. I guess the stomach gets used to those smaller portions!

I'm not an expert, but I know two things that have made a big difference. Eating frequent, small meals or snacks... and WATER! We all know about the benefits of water, but we still choose to ignore it. Trust me, that's the trick! It's already recommended that you drink 8 glasses (64 oz) a day, but did you know it's really recommended to take half your weight, and that's how many ounces you should drink? That makes mine 130 oz. a day! Anyway, I'm rambling, so I'll let you go back to your regularly scheduled programs! Have a great day!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Holla all.

I just wanted to say that I am here, I have been reading all the posts, and just lurking around since this site got up and running. I have no idea where to begin, I think from what I have read I am the fattest one here, and I have absolutely no idea where to start.
Four years ago I was a size 8, healthy, rode my bike about 30 miles every other day. That was not a usual state for my body, but I had made it mine. Then I became a care giver for my mother, got depressed and the rest is history. Today I am 5'5" and about 260 lbs. maybe more, I don't know, I don't have a scale that can weigh my fat ass.
Joining this group is like my cry for help. I would be happy to get down to 150-180 range. Yes that is still heavy, but I have a very large frame, so to thin just looks bad on me. I have started to get more exercise since I got the camera. Yes it takes energy to take pictures. LOL However, I need to get a whole lot more exercise, and stop eating junk.

Oh, well, that is me.

Back In The Saddle Again

I've been "back in the saddle" so to speak for one week today, Weighed myself and I've lost 6pounds...I know that I can't expect that every week, it always slows down....way way down..but boy was I excited to see that number on the scale. I've been working out 3 mornings a week for months but now I've also added a 2 mile walk in the evening 3-4 times. I feel great. Please let it last this time.....

MY Scale finally went down today!!!

I am sorry, but I had to share the fact that my scale went down. I am soooo happy. I am one of those folks that can stick to a diet and exercise for weeks before my scale moves-only to see it move a pound or so. It has been weeks since it really moved, but today I was under 150!!!! I am so happy, because I had gotten to the point where I didn't think that it was ever going to move again. I started body for life in May and in the third week hurt my back and just about cut my toe had to take some time of and started again July 4. That means that I am three weeks into the challenge again and for some reason the three week point is always where you start to see progress. I will admit now that I have never made it through a whole 12 week challenge, but this time I am determined to do it! I am hoping that being here with you guys and being accountable to you and in my blog will help me stick with it. I actually took the pictures of the before me this time and I think that will help me stick. I think it is really time to do another set of pics so maybe I can stay motivated. If that before pic I took wasn't enough to motivate me, nothing will.

How pathetic am I.....

I put the weight loss ticker up to motivate me and all it has caused me to do is rebel against it. I should have known better.....I always rebel against authority! LOL!

Anyway, back on the wagon today, and I actually am writing my points down. Including the beer! LOL!

Hopefully, we will see the meter move down every week from now on, or I'm not going to have any pants to wear in the fall.

*Cross posted to Nickle Annie *

tough time w this

I guess it doesn't help that I was not thinking about this "weight loss" deal when I packed my lunch. Cause instead of a healthy afternoon snack I'm having fudge covered ghram crackers. I don't think that is a good healthy positive choice... :0( Maybe one would have been OK but I've had 4. :0( They were yummy in my tummy.

Breakfast alternatives

I need a great breakfast alternative. I wake up at 6am. I shower, get dressed then have a cup of coffee. I leave the house at 7am. I am hungery around 8:30am. I've always been like that, I need to be up a while before i eat.

Today I had a Special K bar. But it didn't fill me up. At 9:30 my tummy was still growling. So I ate a pack of peanut butter crackers...not good (but tummy not growling)

We have a fridge and microwave at work. Any good suggestions of something that I can eat at my desk but still fill me up?

Quote of the Day

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there
- Will Rogers

Today is the day!!!!

Today is day 1 .My goals today are...
1. Do the sweatin' to the oldies video.
2. Drink 8 bottles of water.
3. only 1 cup of coffee.
4.Eat smaller portoins for my meals.
5.Write down everything I eat today and post it here tonight.
6.Look at the picture I posted here and visualize myself getting smaller and sexier.
Wish me strength my sisters I'll be doing the same.

MP's Weight issues

OK, here is my deal. I KNOW I can loose weight I just don't do it. I am a HUGE procrastinator and tend to be lazy.

I'm not quite 5'4 and weigh around 200 lbs. Most people would never believe that because I really do hide my weight pretty well. I mean it's obvious I'm over weight but I don't think anyone would believe I'm at 200 lbs.

1. I need to loose weight due to heath reasons. Nothing the doctor has told me but common sense. I see how my mom struffles w/ her weight at near 80 years old and I know I don't want that. I am starting to really feel it, I get tired easily and get winded going up and down the stairs. I shake my head when I see myself naked, it's just not a pretty site.

2. What I am doing is drinking lots of water and not alot of alcohol. That is a good thing.

Now here is what I am NOT doing that I need to do.

3. Exercise. I will take Chris walk challenge. I think I may start there then move to something more later. I really want to take an aqua arerobics class but I'm a little tight on funds to go to the Y. I have light weights at home and a mat, maybe I'll need to get a half hour of that in while I watch tv. I'm going to start w/ the walking tomorrow.

4. Proportions. I know I ate 3 portions of my pasta I made last night. I think I should have been able to get buy on less than that.

5. Eating RIGHT and eating SMART...which means eat fruit, vegetables, cut back on fried foods and overloads of desserts.

I initially started a blog regarding what was "going in" and was going to keep a daily journal of what I ate. When it's on "paper" I think we tend to freak a little and NOT eat so poorly. What do we think?? First one with a meal under their belt starts a post about what they are eating...good or bad...and we just post what we're actually eating..what I mean is in comments..not 50 different posts that state "water, cottage cheese, fruit" know what I mean?

I don't have a picture...hmmm I'll look but that is great. ps you guys are the only ones that know that I hit 200 on the scale. Not even mom knows.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Bawk - Bawk

Yep, that's me. I am a big chicken! I will state for the record that my weight is right about 195 and I will keep everyone posted on my progress and what is working for me but there aint no way in hell that I will be posting any pics of my fat ass up here! LOL.
Now that I have that off my chest, I would just like to say that I have been a good girl today. And in anticipation of tomorrow and it being Monday and all I went ahead and got my work day meal prepared in advance because I am terrible about.. "Oops, I forgot to make my lunch AGAIN I will be right back, gotta go grab something".. So I figure if I prepare for my work day the night before, after my walk of course, I wont forget to. In doing this I can plan a "healthy" meal instead of having some crap from the nearest fast food joint and when you work in Down Town Denver there are plenty of those around. For breakfast I have a banana and a piece of lightly buttered raisin bread (that I made from scratch) and for lunch I cooked some thin spaghetti noodles and mixed them with some fat free Italian dressing threw in some tomatoes, mushrooms, a sliced pickle and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese and for snacks I have a banana and a nectarine. I think that should keep me happy throughout the day. Oh and I will keep some popcorn in my drawer for those "I need something sweet" moments. I know that popcorn isn't sweet but it will kill the craving for that oh so yummy cookie from across the street!
Lord give me strength!

Body for life diet

I had a couple of questions on the body for life diet plan, so I will cover it a bit here. Basically body for life is a diet and exercise plan. You have three or four exercises you do each day and you do aerobics twice a week for twenty minutes. He is VERY specific about how you go about doing these exercises and it is really important to follow his advice about how to do them to the letter.
The meal portion of the plan involves eating six times a day from sensible foods. You basically have to have a protein serving and a carb serving at each meal. The purpose is to keep your blood sugar even and to feed all those muscles that you are building. I do the plan as a convenience thing, so I have a lean cuisine for dinner, a protein shake with fruit for breakfast, a salad with meat for lunch and some protein fortified fruit/yoghurt/cottage cheese/sugar free pudding or something for the in between meals. After the first few days, I basically have quit being hungry so on most days it is hard to get all the meals in. If I have a really busy day I will have a high protein bar for one of the meals.
My suggestion is to go to the library, check out the body for life book and look at the pictures on the front. These are people who won the twelve week challenge and it is amazing the results that they get in twelve weeks. I do it all at home with some dumb bells so I don't have to drag to the gym. So far so good. I started this in may, but started eating that way most of the time at the first of the year. I started out at 178 and am currently at 151. I think it would be less but I have built quite a bit of muscle that weighs more. It looks like more as I am working on getting buff. I will share before and during pics as I go along if I can get up the nerve. If you have questions let me know.

Dr. Phil's Advice

I never buy magazines but yesterday the August edition of Good Housekeeping caught my eye, so I bought it. The cover title story was "Dr. Phil's simple plan to make you thin" on the cover page there are pictures of two different women, one who lost 110 lbs and the other 63lbs. Under their pictures was the caption "LOSE BIG!" I thought to myself, Hey, I wanna "LOSE BIG!" so I read their "secrets" and found out that we should be doing several things according to Dr. Phil. I will list them here or you can go check out his website.

  1. Have a Specific Goal - be specific as to how many pounds you want to lose and visualize yourself after you've reached your goal and use that image to help you stay strong and committed.
  2. Get a Plan - To lose weight and keep it off, your strategy must include diet AND exercise. Get rid of your expandable clothes, stay away from fast food, and stock healthy food at home.
  3. Identify Small, Measurable Steps - Implement steps that will fit your lifestyle, not somebody else's. Be sure to move toward a positive goal, not just away from being fat. (nice choice of words huh?)
  4. Create Meaningful Monitoring - If you have to, report your progress to someone, you'll be more likely to stick with your plan.
  5. Create a Healthy, Realistic Timeline - Where do you want to be in a year? Fit your goals to your calendar, and don't expect to see results overnight. If you change your lifestyle, you'll change your weight.

I have never been a big fan of Dr. Phil but I think these are some pretty great ideas.

The Wonders of Water

Holy crap, those diet people were NOT kidding when they said water is the best for losing weight! The hub-unit and and I are big soda drinkers, but when we run out I hit back on the old H20. Amazingly enough, once we had more soda in the fridge, I noticed a difference! Seriously, after two sodas I felt all bloated and weird, and I immediately went back to the water. WalMart sells these HUGE cups that hold exactly 64 oz of water (what yer S'POSED to drink in a day, I guess), and at four bucks it was a steal and an awesome way to carry around JUST what I needed! MUCH easier to carry around ALL the water I'm supposed to have in a day if I'm not running to the fridge every time I need more, and I always end up drinking two mugs full.
Skinny and svelte, here I COME, BABY!
I need to come up with a water-drinking mantra...any suggestions?

OK ladies this isn't easy for me to do.I am bearing it all .7-23-05 weighting in at 200pds.I know it's 20 pounds of boobs but that leaves 180 pounds of everything else .My goal is to loose 40 pounds.I personally feel good at 160 look great at 150 .But I'll be happy with 160.I'm size 18 - 20 and would like to get into a 14. Posted by Picasa

Ok, it's time to get serious here.. I gained 5# yesterday & don't feel like I did a thing differently. Feels like my whole metabolism is in flux. Maybe I need some sort of detox for the chips & dips that are in me..;o)
I know one thing is the wine I have in the evening.. gotta cut back.
But at least I took 2 walks on the beach yesterday.. that was something positive!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Dinner for ONE

As I boasted about my being alone this weekend previously I realized something... I have to eat alone! I cannot remember the last time I ate a meal alone, other than a quick burger or something. I went to Wal-Mart SuperCenter on my quest for a meal for one. I was hungry so that is never good but I have to say that I am rather proud of my selection for my dinner for one. I decided that I was going to have me a nice Chicken Caesar Salad with a Garlic-Cheddar biscuit and for dessert I bought a package of low calorie (smart ones) eclairs. I am patiently awaiting the buzzer to go off and tell me that my biscuits are done, my salad is sitting upstairs waiting for me to dive in and then after our evening walk (me and the pooches) we will come back, watch a move and eat low fat eclairs! (I am so proud of me!lol)

Another New Recipe

I put up a recipe for Peppered Chicken and Shrimp. Hope you all like is very yummy!

Chris' Challenge

Because Kat yelled at me, lol, Im posting my comment here now...
I would like to make a small challenge to all my Shrinking Sister-Friends... My challenge is simple but will require a commitment from each and every one of us... So, here is my challengeI challenge everyone to take a brief walk every day. It can be in the morning, night, daytime, I dont care. It can be with your kids, spouse or dogs. Lets get ourselves out of our chair and away from our computers for an hour a day!
Eh? What do ya'll say? I am on a damn roll this morning.. LOL.
I told my dog that we are gonna start walking every evening and she ran and got her leash, ffs it was only 9:30 am and she was already ready, she is going to be on pins & needles all day awaiting our evening walk.

New Recipe

To test out our "system" I wrote up my favorite recipe for a low carb Orange Julius type drink. It worked fine!

My Recipes....

I have tons of WW recipes but I don't have low carb. Most of the WW recipes have the carb counts in the values though so I can post those.

Anyway, I have a question. I am ready to post a recipe but I'm not sure which kind you would like. Fancy, easy, whatever. So post what you kinda want to see and I'll get on it. ;o)



I LOVE recipes! I'm thinking about how best to organize the recipes we share with each's my thought:

We post all recipes in a file on the Yay-Yay Yahoo Group. The reason I suggest this is that it will be a pain in the patookus to go through a zillion posts to find that one recipe we saw a couple of weeks ago. On here we can alert everyone that there's a new recipe in the file and a brief description of what the recipe is for. It's really easy to create a text file and add it to the Recipe folder. I'm going to create a folder: Shrinking Yay-Yays''s easy to find and easy to use. I'll work on getting a link to the folder in our sidebar.

Happy Saturday!

I have a confession. I am a procrastinator! I will procrastinate anything and everything. I am terrible at making commitment. But I know what I need to do to get myself back into shape.
I had major abdominal surgery last August and I have to admit that prior to the surgery I was looking pretty damn good (pats back). But after my surgery that went all to hell. My surgery was a complete abdominal hysterectomy. My recovery from my surgery was long and painful. During my surgery I lost almost half my bodies blood and everything the poor doctor touched inside me would bleed. He told me when he came to visit me in recovery that I was pretty much a mess inside. That I had so many scars and adhesions that it was like a huge spider web inside me. Literally everything bled. Which caused me even more pain because everything that he touched also bruised, etc. So, I was on some good drugs and spent the next 6 weeks recovering. They tell you there will be side effects from this surgery. And we all know that when you are having ALL of your female innards yanked that there is now nothing in there to produce your hormones so you get to start taking HRTs (Hormone Replacement Therapy). I am on my second type as the first one didn't work so great. One of the other side effects is weight gain. And Sisters let me tell you, I have gained! I have gained 25-30 lbs in less than a year!!! I feel huge, gross, unattractive, disgusted with myself, you name it. I am not happy with what I am anymore! I have completely lost my sex drive, which I think is due to all of the above. (My poor hubby, thank god he has hands).
I am so happy to be a part of this Sister-Friends offspring and hope I can give as much support to you all that I know you all will give to me.. Yay-Yay!

Chris' Comment

I think we should have a daily dose of low fat - low carb recipes. What does everyone think? We could each post a recipe a week that we cooked that was low in fat, carbs or whatever. Eh Eh?? And since Nickle opened her mouth first.. I nominate her to start it.. hehehe! If ya'll think this is a bad idea then tell me... Hey Chris, shut the fuck up ... if ya'll like the idea then tell me.. Hey Chris, dont shut the fuck up... or if ya dont curse you can improvise. hehehe


I need all the support I can get...I am a CAREER dieter! I've tried every 'fad' diet out there for the past 30 years. Now I follow Weight Watchers, when I'm doing well. Thank you again for including me.

Friday, July 22, 2005

3 day old dessert

Does this mean I cant eat the Apple Dumping that I bought 3 days ago?? I have been saving it for the weekend, that counts for something right??? Someone? Please? HELP ME! lol


I am new here and am a fairly new Yay-Yay. I didn't realize until this morning that everyone was a new Yay-Yay. :) I am from Illinois and am a single mother/grandmother empy nester. I am currently doing the body for life exercise and diet plan. I started it and did it for three weeks and then hurt my back. I am now several weeks into it again. I started again on July fourth. My biggest struggle at this point is fitting in all six of the mini meals I am supposed to eat and drinking enough water. I know that realizing that this isn't going to happen overnight is also an issue for me. This needs to be a way of life, rather than a diet that I go off and on. This is one that I think I can actually stick to as I can eat just about anything and I get one free day a week to eat whatever I want. Anyway, I am looking forward to discussing our fluffy issues.


My diet is my own version of Atkins. Being hypoglycemic my body is at its absolute happiest when I'm sticking to Katkins. There is a long list of positives when I'm working the afternoon droopies, never (I really do mean NEVER) hungry, healthier self-esteem from using self-discipline, I feel more in control of my is no longer controlling me. I need to keep going on this list in my journal...I'm getting so motivated to get back on track!

I've created a cookbook's worth of low carb super yummy recipes.....I'll be sharing those, once I'm on the plan and actually using them!

I lost over 100 lbs on this diet a few years ago.....I left my ex and my diet was completely derailed. I've gained back the 100 plus close to another 100!! I'm dreading my first weigh-in.....I'm going to do it, I'm just dreading the hell out of it. I need to keep myself from focusing on all the pounds I've gained and simply focus on the first 5 pounds I have to lose. Successful thoughts = success I could lose the war before I even started....keeping my thoughts in check will guarantee success.


Hey, I'm feeling thinner already.. but maybe that's just my wallet, after going grocery shopping..
I look forward to reading your tips/hints/subtle-threats/tales of joy or falling off the wagon. It's all part of the human process, right?
I am 57 yrs old (egads it hurt to type that), mother of 6 adults. My adult weight has fluctuated from 105# (way too thin for my 5'8") to 164# ( I swear 150 of it was on my hips). I'm getting close to that high # again.. nothing fits/I hate exercise/hubby cooks gourmet. So I'm motivated.
I think our bodies adapt to certain diets.. like the Atkins simply doesn't work for me anymore. My brain scoffs & says, 'Try again'.. But lo-fat still does to some extent. So let's explore together & report the 'true skinny' on what WORKS!
Good luck to all the curvy-ones..

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